Monday, November 5, 2012

The Demon Lover

Read Elizabeth Bowen's "The Demon Lover" (you can find the text online, or check out a lit book from the school library). Answer the following questions. “The Demon Lover” 1. What kinds of details seem to bring a setting into sharpest focus? Give three examples from the text with page numbers. 2. Where does this story take place? What are the details that stick out? Give examples. Make sure to include page numbers. 3. What kind of feeling do the descriptions of the settings give the reader? This is the atmosphere. How is atmosphere developed in this story? 4. How does the character in this story feel about the settings where they are situated? How do they interact with them? 5. How could you say that Mrs. Drover's empty house is actually a character in this story? How is this place personified? 6. What can we infer about the larger historical moments during this story? What do these settings tell us about the world outside them? In what ways are these conditions depicted in these settings? 7. Imagine this story set in another time and place. Imagine Mrs. Drover in a well- furnished and lively metropolitan apartment. How would it affect the story? How could the atmosphere be preserved even if the location was changed? 8. How would this setting change interact with the characters and events in the story? Are there any other settings possible for this story? 9. What other questions do you have about this story?

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