1984 Current Events Assignment
1984 deals with many of the important political and social issues of George Orwell’s time. Many of these same issues apply today. Over the next two weeks, you will become aware of how these same concerns affect your life today.
Your assignment is to find current events that relate to 1984. You will need to bring in TWO current evens throughout the course of this unit. All current events will be due on _______________________. You may only bring in one current event per day. if you forget until the last day, you can still only turn in one.
Each current event must include an article from a recent newspaper or magazine. Articles from the Internet are allowed, but may not be more than one month old. You also need to write one paragraph summarizing the article and one paragraph explaining how this article applies to 1984.
Possible topics include government regulation, right of privacy, totalitarianism, socialism, government control versus private property, freedom, and revolution.
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