Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lord of the Flies Anticipation Guide

Anticipation Guide for William Golding’s Lord of the Flies

In the space to the left of each statement, write “T” for true, if you agree with the statement, or “F” for false if you disagree with the statement.

_____ 1. If someone cannot “pull her weight,” she is expendable.

_____ 2. The younger we are, the more selfish we are.

_____ 3. All wars are preventable.

_____ 4. Homo sapiens were meant to be herbivores.

_____ 5. The darkness is scary because of the unknown factor.

_____ 6. Adult supervision is necessary in every context.

_____ 7. Youth is wasted on the young.

_____ 8. Every child has some form of the “Boogie Man.”

_____ 9. There should be a “pecking order” among siblings; it is healthy, productive, and proper for the older and bigger to dominate (“survival of the fittest”).

_____ 10. Mankind is the cruelest of all beasts, because when we hurt other people, we realize they are being hurt; when cats play with and eat mice, the cat has no idea that the mouse is in pain. This makes people the least respectable of all species (concept from Mark Twain’s The Damned Human Race).

_____ 11. Good authors can provide endless thinking opportunities; without them, life would be dull.

Once you have completed answering these statements, please go to this website:

Additional Lord of the Flies

On a seperate piece of paper, and with your shoulder partner discuss the statements found on this website. Give your reasoning why you choose your answer(s). Be prepared to discuss them with the class.

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