Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Beowulf Webquest

Below you will find a link that will take you to an interactive website about Beowulf. Please read the information on the website and answer the following questions. You may answer the questions on a seperate sheet of paper. Don't forget to turn in your answers at the end of the class period! Tip: Copy the questions and paste them into a Word document for easy access.

Exploring Beowulf

1. Beowulf is considered an epic poem. What makes it different from other narratives?

2. Name the three periods that the English language has been divided into.

3. What letters are NOT included in the Anglo-Saxon alphabet?

4. Compounding is the combing of two words to make a new word. From the information given on the website, why might Compounding be done in Beowulf?

5. Of the five translations given, which one would you prefer most to read? Why? What is the name of the translator?

6. Where does Beowulf take place? In terms of modern day locations, where is Beowulf's kindgom? Where is Hrothgar's kingdom?

7. What type of material were the Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, containing Beowulf, written on?

8. What were the four other pieces of that were included on the Beowulf manuscripts?

9. Why is translating a subjective, rather than objective task?

10. When was the title, Beowulf, added to the text? *Hint: the answer is found under the Overview section, in the Significance tab.*